Which C# version am I using?
If you are a C# developer, depending on how long you are working it may be confusing to understand which version of C# you are using right now.
Some people think the C# version and the .Net version are strongly related and if you are using the .Net Framework 4.5 so you are also using the C#4.5, and that it is completely wrong, there are some correlations but they are not actually tied to each other
So, given this topic sometimes is also confusing to me, I will try to classify the C# versions and relate them to their .Net version.
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.Net Framework
The .Net Framework and C# were launched both on version 1.0 and the next versions didn’t change too much when launched, except after the .Net Framework 4.0 when they were not so synchronized.
Currently, the last launched .Net Framework (4.8) is using the C# 7.3.
.Net Core / .Net
The .Net Core was launched on the 1.0 version but using the C# 6.0 and after the 3x it was renamed to only .Net